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Metopic Ridge Pictures
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Top Questions and Answers
Metopic ridge? So my baby has a Metopic Ridge. Dr. says it is no big deal since he has a prominent soft-spot. I started looking online at pictures of Metopic Ridges and found all these images of little kids who look like Klingons... so I am kinda freaked it might look like that later. He is just 2 months old now, but the dern thing is bigger than it was when he was born. Anyone know an adult or teen with Metopic Ridge? Ican only find pics of kids. Is my baby destined to look like a freak or is there hope it won't get worse?

mark b replied: "I am a 43 year old guy and was trying to find out why i had a hard ridge on my forehead. Just found out it is a Metopic Ridge. It is not too noticeable but can be felt easily . My daughter also has a Metopic Ridge. I get Klingon jokes all the time don't worry he will be very intelligent."

I think my son my have Metopic Ridge (bump down forehead), should I be worried.? My son is almost 11 months old. I started noticeing the line down his forhead in pictures around 7 months or so. It is more noticeable in some lights and in some pictures but I can feel the bump. Does anyone know if it will go away or is it hurting him? I will be taking him to his 1 year checkup soon so I hope to get some answers then.

touchdown_g_sus replied: "It is possible, but at his age, his head his growing and changing constantly. Therefore, it could just be at one of its many stages of growth. At his 1 year check up, they will have a much better answer for you."

Ze Doctor Is In replied: "what you're feeling on your baby's head is probably the anterior fontanelle. They are normal. They usually close between 10-20months."

I think my son my have Metopic Ridge (bump down forehead), should I be worried.? My son is almost 11 months old. I started noticeing the line down his forhead in pictures around 7 months or so. It is more noticeable in some lights and in some pictures but I can feel the bump. Does anyone know if it will go away or is it hurting him? I will be taking him to his 1 year checkup soon so I hope to get some answers then.

just_some_girl replied: "It is my understanding that it can be normal for the metopic suture to fuse as early as 3 months of age. Since the ridging would happen shortly after the fusion took place, your son is probably fine... but i don't think it will go away. If you are concerned, I would take your child to a cranio-facial specialist. My son was born with a ridge and the pedi I had said it was normal and would improve with age. I took him to another pedi who said "ack-he's gonna need surgery" - so now I have an appointment with the cranio-facial specialist. I am assuming he will know better than the pedis. keeping my fingers crossed for no surgery!"

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