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Popular Questions
How good is the CFA program conducted by ICFAI? I am planning to do CFA in ICFAI through self study method. How good and effective the program is in developing my career.

vikas pandey replied: "very good progrramme I am doing C.A. & planned to do CFA.It is a good course but it is too hard"

Edward W replied: "It is a great program, especially if you want to be in institutional investment management and/or research, which is what the CFA is intended for. Many investment management firms have a high degree of respect for the certification, and some require it of analysts and portfolio managers. Investment banks generally like to see emerging analysts complete at least part of the program. The program is intense and rigorous. You end up learning a lot."

Sim replied: "ICFAI IS NOT FOR THOSE WHO CANNOT WORK HARD! IT IS NOT LIKE THE DISTANCE PROGS OFFERED BY OTHER UNIVERSITIES WHERE U CAN WORK N STUDY TOGETHER.It is tougher than the full time course. But u dont need to be brilliant to pass out from here.Even if ur an average student but a hard worker ..u can pass. It comes under the professional progs of its not exactly distance types. The passing percentage are less Do some inquiry about this program before taking the admission from ICFAI. Rest it is upto u Good Luck :)"

How is the combination of CFA(ICFAI) and MBA(Finance)? Hi Presently i am persuing CFA from ICFAI but i want to take careen MBA too, so will it add value to my career prospectus? Will i get respected job? Plz help me i am confused.

C is the Man replied: "Thats good where do you plan to get your MBA from? If the MBA is from a top 20 business school then forget the CFA. But if you can't get accepted into a top business school (anything under) the top 50 you should probably get a CFA and a MBA. Your earning will increase and job offers will come left and right but if money is not a problem with you then go for both. I am guessing you are a Financial Analyst, Budget Analyst, Loan Officer, or etc., if so then go for it because you need a MBA and CFA to reach the highest point in the finance career world. Hope this helps and good luck!"

S K replied: "ICFAI is a big fraud and you normally get a low paying BPO job if you pass this."

Can anyone tell me about CFA from ICFAI? I am A BBM Graduate specilised in finance. I would like to put up my career in Financial Markets. Wheather doing CFA from ICFAI will be worthful in my career?

S K replied: "ICFAI is a big money making organisation and the CFA course of theirs is in courts due to violation of trademark. Instead of that do the CFA from CFAI,USA as it is the original one and not a copy like ICFAI"

doing cfa from icfai tripura thru distance learning mode and looking for sum coaching institute? hi i want to do cfa from icfai tripura through distance learning mode & looking for sum coaching classes to clear exam?

nitin replied: "You should tell the city name where u need the coaching."

Can aneone tell me cfa from icfai is good or not for getting a job in india only ? wat r the chances of companies hiring ppl done cfa done from icfai ?

prad replied: "icfai ? dont go near it ."

mann replied: "Get a MBA Finance. You can complete it in 2 years and get into the job market faster. CFA takes much longer to complete."

How good is CFA course offered by ICFAI, India as compared to CFA-US? I am from Law background and intend to add Finance background to my career. Kindly post your views regarding your views on the CFA charter offered by ICFAI. How would it help build a good career? and How well is it recognised in the corporate world?

Existentialist replied: "Indian CFA is not as well known in elite investment management circles as the CFA from US. Having said that, it is still quite a respected qualification and can certainly improve your chances of landing a job if you plan to work in India after finishing your qualification."

I am ICWA Final Student. Is CFA from ICFAI or MBA from ICFAI , more valuable for me in future? I have completed M.Com & 3 stages of ICWA from 4 stages. So, MBA or CFA would be more attractive combination in the Finance Field?

raman_09 replied: "Hi Friend, If u want to be more specific in the field of finance...then i would suggest you to go for CFA, Bcoz most MBA will start from basic and end with intermediate level, where as the CFA will take you to the Advanced stage in Finance. Regards, Sreenivasan"

what is the career scope after doing a CFA program from ICFAI Tripura. is it affiliated to CFA insti America? i m a working girl and what to do CFA or MBA from some good insti on a part-time basis, may be distance learning, since I don't get that much time to study. Is there any college for that?

abby9734 replied: "You can join ICFAI for correspondance MBA. They have come up with a new sylllabus its pretty easy and with quality education.. Even placement is 100%.. For further clarification you can contact Abdur Rahman Khan Student Service Officer Mob: 9986860669 ICFAI Bangalore #19/3,Srinivasa Industrial Estate, Konana Kunte Cross,Near Metro, Kanakapura Road,Bangalore-560062"

I plan to do the CFA program from ICFAI. Can anyone tell me the career path after completing this course? friends, Iam a science graduate working in IT with 8 years experience. Do i need a commerce background to do the CFA course? Is this the right course to get into investment banking and mutual fund domains? What roles exist in the financial domain for IT guys? thanks for any suggestions.

Dominick Burke replied: "My suggestion is to focus on the financial sector. I hate to break the news to you but when it comes to IT, all of the major U.S. Corporations are outsourcing these jobs to those in China and India for 20% of what they pay in salary here in the U.S. If you want to email me at:, I will be happy to email you a list of companies (14 pages long) that have outsourced jobs overseas. - Dominick (718) 834-9002 office"

abby9734 replied: "I dont think you required commerce background to do CFA. My friend has done engineering and now he is doing CFA from ICFAI. For further clarification you can contact Abdur Rahman Khan Student Service Officer Mob: 9986860669 ICFAI Bangalore #19/3,Srinivasa Industrial Estate, Konana Kunte Cross,Near Metro, Kanakapura Road,Bangalore-560062"

i want to know the address of cfa(icfai) coaching for second level in delhi? coaching for group 'd' (security analysis and portfolio management) of cfa (icfai) in new delhi

Danny replied: "the second level thing i didnt understand but hope this helps in sumway "

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